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Sunday, June 12, 2022



"I didn't tell my friends I had epilepsy because I was afraid they would treat me differently," explains Huma*, 21. "I'm constantly afraid of having a seizure in front of them," she says, "so I try to avoid circumstances that can trigger me, like going to the movies with them or riding a rollercoaster."

Huma's first seizure occurred when she was 11 years old, just after exiting an amusement park ride. Her family initially believed she had been subjected to black magic, but despite several visits to religious healers, she continued to have seizures. A neurologist was recommended by the family's medical practitioner. On the doctor's instruction, Huma had several tests done, and her electroencephalogram (EEG) revealed that she had temporal lobe epilepsy. Her parents saw a psychiatrist and were prescribed regular drugs to assist control their daughter's illness.

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological illnesses, affecting an estimated 50 to 60 million individuals globally. Recurrent seizures, with or without clouding or loss of consciousness, characterise epilepsy, a chronic neurological disorder. Epilepsy is best described as a momentary short circuit in the brain. The stigma connected to epileptic seizures, on the other hand, is just as common as epilepsy itself. As a result, those who suffer with the disease are reluctant to discuss it openly, and they frequently keep their diagnosis hidden even from their closest friends.

Around 80% of epilepsy patients live in underdeveloped nations, but the treatment ratio is shockingly low. According to surveys, only 27.5 percent of epileptic people in urban areas and 1.9 percent of epileptic people in rural regions in Pakistan are treated with anti-epileptic medications.

Myths, fear, and misunderstandings regarding epilepsy have long skewed the true nature of the widespread neurological condition, leading to stigma and prejudice.

In contemporary society, the impact of epilepsy is not completely assessed and comprehended. This is due to a lack of information and outdated attitudes, which are particularly widespread in the Indian Subcontinent. Epilepsy is frequently misinterpreted as djinn possession or black magic. Rather than seeing a neurologist or psychiatrist, many patients, like Huma, are referred to pirs for roohani ilaaj (spiritual healing).

There are several explanations for our society's lack of proper epilepsy treatment-seeking behaviour. Poverty, ignorance, a lack of understanding of the condition, deep-seated superstitions, and a lack of government prioritisation are all key contributors. In our society, either the condition goes untreated or is shrouded in secrecy for fear of shame, which would make it difficult for an epileptic patient to find work or marry.

Because of this anxiety, the mother of a 25-year-old woman with epilepsy says her family kept her daughter's epilepsy diagnosis hidden from her daughter's in-laws. Her daughter's sister-in-law once witnessed her having a seizure while sleeping. She was sent packing the next day, and she is now divorced. Such incidents show the widespread ignorance about this neurological illness and the urgent need to educate the public.

Our culture has certain false beliefs regarding epilepsy, including that it has supernatural causes, that it is contagious, that it can lead to other illnesses, and that epilepsy patients should not marry.

Despite his interest, Zuhair* was not allowed to use a computer as a child. Seizures can be triggered by too much screen time, according to his parents. This is true in some cases of photosensitive epilepsy, but not all of them. Blue-tinted spectacles are even available to help with photosensitive seizures.

"My experience with epilepsy is a bit strange because I don't have seizures very often, maybe once or twice a year," Zuhair, now 28 and a web developer, says of his illness. My personal experience has been that diagnosing the trigger and predicting when the next [seizure] will occur is quite tough. As a result, you're always on the edge with this condition."

In terms of society's perceptions, Zuhair admits that it is tough for him to communicate about his epilepsy because people are sometimes indifferent to his condition. "They don't really get it," he adds, "and there is clearly a lack of information about how to deal with someone who is having a seizure."

"People must realise that there is no way to stop someone from having a seizure." The best anyone can do is make sure the person who is having this experience does not swallow their tongue or hurt themselves."

Epilepsy should not be viewed as a disability; it is a totally manageable condition, and most persons with epilepsy enjoy normal physical health in between seizures. "An estimated 70% of persons with epilepsy may be seizure-free if properly evaluated and treated," according to the World Health Organization.

It is recommended that people with epilepsy stay physically and mentally active. For most persons with epilepsy, 'nothing in excess' is sensible advice, and necessary steps to avoid seizures should be done.

Epilepsy is one of the earliest documented illnesses, with the first reports reaching back to 2,000 BCE in Assyrian writings. Multiple allusions to epilepsy may be discovered in ancient books from various civilizations, most notably in the Hippocratic collection of ancient Greek medical texts.

Socrates, Julius Caesar, Elton John, and Vincent Van Gogh are just a few of the renowned leaders, philosophers, and creatives who have been linked to epilepsy. This disease was also experienced by writers such as Edgar Allan Poe, Agatha Christie, and Fyodor Dostoevsky, and the start of seizures has been connected to surges of inspiration among writers and artists on occasion.

Many of the characters in Dostoevsky's writings were famous for having epileptic seizures. "The author said he was happy for his seizure disorder because of the 'abnormal tension' the episodes caused in his brain, which allowed him to experience 'unbounded joy and rapture, passionate devotion, and the completest life,'" says Dr. Howard Markel in a 2017 commentary for the PBS NewsHour.

"Everyone's epilepsy path is different," explains Amir*. Amir, 41, works as a corporate lawyer and has a great career. He has two children and is happily married. He was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was five years old. He admits that there have been decades where he hasn't had a single seizure, followed by a year where he may have had two or three fits in a six-month period.

Environmental stressors, he argues, are essential in predicting the frequency of epileptic seizures. "For example, after my mother died, I had three seizures in the months that followed."

Amir's daily activities are unaffected by his epilepsy, as long as he takes his anti-epileptic medicine even when he hasn't had a seizure. He does, however, take some precautions, such as never driving and, despite being a gamer, avoiding playing VR (virtual reality) games, which have been found to trigger seizures in those who are sensitive to the illness.

Abdul Sattar Edhi, who publicly declared his epilepsy diagnosis in 2003, was the first renowned person in Pakistan to admit to having epilepsy. His declaration inspired people with the disease to realise that they might live regular lives while also engaging in physically and intellectually demanding activities like the famed Ironman.

benefactor. Edhi never let his epilepsy get in the way of his job during his lifetime. He remained engaged in his volunteer ambulance network, as well as the orphanages, homeless shelters, rehabilitation centres, and animal sanctuaries he established around Pakistan.

Epilepsy is a very prevalent illness in Pakistan, with people affected often being under the age of 30, hence de-stigmatizing it is critical for our society. There is a critical need to raise public knowledge regarding epilepsy as a common, non-communicable, and treatable chronic brain condition.

The author is a freelance journalist and clinical associate psychologist.

rabeea.saleem21@gmail.com is her email address.

On June 12th, 2022, Dawn, EOS, published an article.

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